Fun Zipper Pouches, Paper Party Supplies, and More, Handmade and Curated in Montclair, NJ by Claire Cohen.
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Recent Materials Donations

30 Second Read creative reuse

The Montclair Creative Reuse Project has been the recipient of so many wonderful materials donations recently! I'm very grateful to all the generous people who have reached out to me through the contact page on my website and made the effort to bring me their donations of craft supplies! They will be made available at the next pop-up event and on the Shop MCRP page

Just some of the recent materials donations I've received for MCRP!

Buttons, beads, crochet hooks, yarn, acrylic paints, a case of disposable culture tubes...

...a paper drill for bookmaking, a small sewing machine, sidewalk chalk, a hot glue gun, books about crochet...

a vintage typewriter, a wooden figure drawing mannequin model, yarn, index cards, recipe cards, pencils, markers, fabric, knitting needles, felt, notions, and so much more!

I also use Freecycle Essex County to acquire supplies. I'm looking forward to sorting and photographing these recent acquisitions and updating the Shop MCRP page very soon! I hope this gives a good idea of the types of items I collect for the project. Please reach out if you have items that you no longer need but are still usable for any creative endeavor! Thank you for your support of the Montclair Creative Reuse Project and for inspiring creativity in a sustainable way! 

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