I've been reflecting on what a great year I've had and appreciating my good health and all the fun things I've been able to do. Being spontaneous and making connections with other people helps keep me grounded and grateful!
Back in June, when on vacation in Rochester with my dad, I passed clubs with a dude who was juggling in the park with his friends. I haven't juggled in a few years, the issues I was having with my hands and thumbs prevented it while I was in occupational therapy. But now that I'm recovered I jumped at the opportunity and approached these guys and asked if they had clubs. They did, and it took me a few minutes to get back the muscle memory and we passed a little, I was very rusty! But it was fun nevertheless!
And finally, I was recently gifted a large variety of seeds for sprouting and a quality sprouter from a close friend and I have been enjoying growing and eating the bounty! I normally just buy sprouts and really appreciate his encouragement to grow them myself, a process that involved baby steps to overcome my fears due to past failures. I anticipate my sprouting experience won't always be perfect, but for now it has brought me so much joy and satisfaction and I'm grateful for friends like him.