Cycling Is My Passion
1 Minute Read bike&walkmontclair bikepacking Montclair NJ
"Cycling is my passion". This phrase is delivered with deadpan perfection in the insurance company commercial and just thinking about it makes me laugh. But when I want to take a vacation in my mind, the imagery of riding off into the sunset on my bike is easy to access. I am openly trying to recapture my 13-year-old self on a 10-day YMCA Adventure Camp bike trip from Portland, ME to Acadia National Park, a trip that truly informed my identity as a non-car-owning, casual-clothes-wearing, groceries-taste-better-when-you-carry-them-home-on-your-bike bike rider. Biking is my passion! Montclair is a bike community! Bike & Walk...
Materials Donations
A core value of my business is sustainability and at the heart of that idea are the many materials donations that I receive. I'm so grateful to all the people who think of me when they have items they want to re-home. I recently updated my Materials page here. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me through my contact page if you have any of these materials, or even something else that you have and think I might find useful. I'm also actively collecting items for my Creative Reuse Project. Please contact me if you have anything you'd like to...
POPshop on February 4th at Alacrity Living
This is my busiest time of the year! Shoppers looking for Valentine's Day gifts and decorations love my vintage paper heart garlands! Here are my favorite review pics showing off how folks decorate with their garlands...and read on to learn about my upcoming in-person event where I'll have garlands and so much more! I'm so excited to be featured in a POPshop at Alacrity Living this Saturday, February 4th, from 11am to 5pm! Alacrity Living is located at 51 N. Fullerton Avenue...that's in the same row of shops as Paper Plane Coffee Co. Alacrity Living is described by the owner, Barbara Lemley, as "a collective of...
Feel Good About Your Gift Purchases This Year!
Holiday shopping is in full swing this season! And whether you're browsing online or in-person, there are great opportunities to find the perfect gift or something special for yourself...or both!Read on for details about wonderful local shopping that also supportsa Montclair institution, and online shopping with the best selection of the year- at a discount (with local pickup available too)! Emilie's handmade trees and ornaments are made with vintage fabricsalvaged from the historic Charles Schulz house! So cool!_ _ _ Lana is the the Farm Director at Montclair Community Farms!_ _ _ Everyone's favorite Jersey-centric shop isoffering a variety of Montclair products!_ _ _ "Inspired...
On The Passage of Time
Like the consistent use of text as a design element in all my creations, marking anniversaries or special dates has become a familiar characteristic of my products. For example, the bird ornaments I make from vintage calendar tea towels can be customized with an embroidered circle around the date on one wing and the month on the other. Apart from marking an occasion, I often consider the duration of time that goes into making something. I was recently confronted with an alarming reminder of how long it's taken me to complete a project I started in 2019 - how has...